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How to Style Nepali Jewellery for Everyday Wear

At RB Diamonds, we understand the enduring beauty of Nepali jewellery. Traditionally crafted with intricate designs and precious metals, these pieces hold a special place in Nepali culture. But did you know that Nepali jewellery can also be seamlessly integrated into your everyday wardrobe?

Whether you're looking for a touch of cultural pride or simply a unique way to elevate your look, here's how to style Nepali jewellery for everyday wear:

The Delicate Dance of Proportion:

Nepali jewellery boasts a range of styles, from the delicate Tilhari (a necklace featuring tiny gold beads) to the statement-making Hatti ko Puchar Bracelet (inspired by the elephant's tail).  The key to incorporating these pieces into your everyday attire lies in balancing proportions.

For a subtle touch:

Pair a Tilhari with a beautiful sari, the delicate design adds a touch of shimmer without overwhelming your look.

Embrace minimalism: 

Statement pieces like the Hatti ko Puchar Bracelet work best with minimalist outfits.  Think a crisp white shirt and tailored trousers for a sophisticated daytime look.

Material Matters: 

Nepali jewellery traditionally uses precious metals like gold and silver. However, at RB Diamonds, we also offer a stunning selection of Nepali-inspired pieces crafted in contemporary materials.

Modern Metals:

Consider a Hasuli (a choker necklace) crafted in 24k as a traditional gold jewellery. Hasuli looks beautiful with traditional Nepalese attire or a beautiful sari.

Embrace the Everyday: 

A simple Nepali Bracelet made from colorful beads adds a pop of personality to a plain t-shirt and adds a touch of cultural flair.

Layering Like a Pro:

Layering necklaces is a fun way to add depth and dimension to your outfit. Nepali jewellery, with its diverse range of lengths and styles, is perfect for this technique.

Start with a foundation:

Begin with a delicate Hasuli necklace, followed by a slightly longer Tilhari like chadke tilhari. This creates a layered effect that's both visually appealing and culturally inspired.

Mix and Match:

Don't be afraid to combine traditional Nepali pieces with modern ones.  Pair a chunky Nepali Gold Bangle with a delicate diamond pendant for a unique and eye-catching combination.

Finding Your Perfect Match:

When selecting Nepali jewellery for everyday wear, consider your personal style and the occasion.  Here are some additional tips:

Formal Events: 

A statement necklace like a Tilhari crafted with larger gold beads or a classic set of Nepali Gold Bangles adds a touch of sophistication to a formal outfit.

Work Wear: 

Opt for more subtle pieces like a Hasuli in gold or a simple Nepali Bracelet. These add a touch of personality without being too flashy for the office environment.

RB Diamonds: Your One-Stop Shop for Nepali Jewellery

At RB Diamonds, we are passionate about sharing the beauty of Nepali jewellery with the world.  We offer a curated selection of traditional and contemporary pieces, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your style and budget.  Visit our website https://rbdiamond.com.au/collections/all or our Nepali Jewellery Shop in Sydney to explore our collection of:

Tilhari necklaces, Hatti ko Puchar Bracelets, Hasuli chokers, Nepali Bracelets, Nepali Gold Bangles, Diamond Pendants (and a wider selection of diamond jewellery)

We believe that jewellery is more than just an adornment; it's a way to express yourself and connect with your heritage. So, embrace the timeless elegance of Nepali jewellery and add a touch of cultural flair to your everyday style.